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Battery Maintenance Tips and Powersports Battery Insurance

Battery insurance is a good add-on to your vehicle insurance, which can give you peace of mind in case of the need to repair or replace one of the most important components of the vehicle. Even though it is being covered under insurance, you need to regularly take good care of your battery to ensure better life and performance. In this article, we will discuss the top battery maintenance tips. Before that, let’s have a quick overview of battery insurance.

Powersports battery insurance

The lifetime battery program of powersports battery insurance offers the customers protection from any unexpected expenses related to batteries. Any customer can avail of the lifetime insurance at any time during the ownership of a vehicle. As the battery is one of the frequently replaced components on the vehicle, the lifetime ownership of the battery will help the vehicle owners save a lot of money.

Some of the benefits to the owners availing powersports battery insurance include lifetime battery insurance, protection from high expense incurred on battery-related issues, no expiration of the term of insurance during the period of ownership, etc. The claims related to the lifetime battery program are also settled within 30 minutes and ensure money is there in the hands of the claimants on time.

Battery maintenance

Now, let us look closer to the need for battery maintenance and upkeep. Here are some tips.

  1. Getting off the damp and dirt

You should always keep the battery case dirt free and damp-free. Also, keep the battery terminals clean. You can make use of cleaning materials for the battery terminal. Follow the instructions carefully to keep the premises dry.

  1. Tightly fix the battery

Always keep your battery secured in the spot. Vibrations may cause damage to the plates, and loose connections may cause vehicle breakdown also.

  1. Check for battery warning signs

Some warning signs as the engine turns over slower than usual or is sluggish during starting are signals of the battery is compromised. Modern vehicles also show warning symbols if the battery is getting drained or overheated.

  1. Avoid incorrect charging

You should keep a note of the battery charting by specifically requesting it during the time of vehicle servicing. Battery charge rate checking is a part of major services. Overcharging and undercharging of the battery may be a problem and adversely affect its life.

  1. Check electrolyte

If you installed a low-maintenance battery, try to unscrew vent caps and ensure that the electrolyte level is visible above the cap. Electrolytes should always be at the top level of the cell elements. Make sure you do not overfill the same. For the maintenance-free type of batteries, there is no need for electrolyte level checks.

Even though you take all precautionary measures and avail powersports battery insurance, there is every possibility that the battery may fail without any warning sign. So, it is important to keep a regular check on the health and functioning of the batteries. Usually, this can be done along with comprehensive vehicle checkups during service.

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