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How to Use WordPress Push Notifications to Increase Traffic?

How to Use WordPress Push Notifications to Increase Traffic?

How to Use WordPress Push Notifications to Increase Traffic?

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To increase traffic to your website, do you want to understand how to use WordPress push notifications? If so, read here.

To quickly reach a wide audience, website owners often look for marketing automation systems. While email marketing currently dominates this aspect, push notification marketing emerged to dominate all others. It has advanced personalization with segmentation, triggers, batching features, and other advanced customization tools.


According to a recent study, roughly 50% of users activate push notifications, and 72% of businesses claim that WordPress push notifications on mobile and desktop sites deliver a better ROI than other user engagement and communication channels. 


Online businesses use push notification services to achieve significant outcomes at every stage of the client life cycle for all the aforementioned reasons. 


This powerful and effective tool should be used wisely by online business owners to get all the advantages of push notification services. So to help you in developing your push notification services, we have selected the best ways to use WordPress push notifications to boost your traffic.


Top 8 Ways To Boost Traffic With WordPress Push Notifications


  1. Opt-in Notifications 


The first and most important step for a push notification service to get subscribers and offer engaging push alerts is opt-in. To get the most memberships, you can tailor the content of opt-in prompts to your website offers. Owners of websites have the option of using a one-way or two-way opt-in with a variety of layouts, including a box, browser default, and more. You can use these effective techniques to raise the opt-in rate and subscription in total.


  1. Welcome Push Notifications


Visitors always remember their first impression. Your company name or website name is unfamiliar to visitors during the first few hours after user subscription, allowing you to mark your identification. The finest WooCommerce push notifications tool you have for this is the welcome notifications.


You can include a thank you note for signing up for your service or a discount coupon for just subscribers, let people download a service guide or a free e-book, or direct them to one of your well-performing or educational blogs.


  1. Use Abandoned Cart Notifications to Recover Lost Sales 


According to the report, seven out of ten shoppers add items to their carts but abandon them before checking out. It is the area where the majority of e-commerce websites are losing customers. When used in this situation, push notifications are a useful tool for gently reminding clients about their abandoned carts and getting them to visit the websites again.


  1. Collect Honest Reviews And Loyalty Points


Customer feedback provides organizations with suggestions on how to enhance their services and marketing initiatives. Push notifications allow you to solicit genuine customer feedback without interfering with customer experience. To get information about your products or the service for update alerts, you can send feedback notifications. By including loyalty points for offering feedback, website owners can make it more engaging.


  1. Target Dormant Subscribers


One of the key advantages of using WooCommerce push notifications is generating repeat traffic. Instead of using channels like SMS, or emails, Woocommerce push notifications will help to reawaken user attention. You can use this segment function for this reason.


Website owners can segment audiences and organize campaigns using a feature known as the last visit date. In-stock notifications can be sent by an e-commerce website, while educational websites can push updates of discounts on new courses, etc. These push notifications have the potential to draw audiences and produce steady, qualified traffic.


  1. Give Order Updates


You can send a variety of user-specific push notifications, and order update notifications are a prime example. No matter where we shop, we all want to know the status of our products. Be creative and distribute this information via push notifications! After a user places an order, confirm with them when it has shipped and when it has been delivered.


WooCommerce push notifications offer one of the simplest, most convenient ways to share the information that people have grown to expect these days. This maintains client satisfaction, builds more brand loyalty, and is just one of many methods you may focus on raising customer retention rates.


  1. Account Activity Notifications


Various business types can benefit from using this kind of push notification. A wonderful way to stay in touch with visitors who can register on your website is to notify them of any account activity. 


These notifications are intended to keep your audience informed of anything regarding their activity on your website. Your audience needs to know this information, and one of the best ways to do so is through online push.


  1. Make Brand Announcements


Use WordPress push notifications to inform your audience of any important brand news. This is particularly crucial if you regularly add new products or renew current products at specific periods. Such reminders about product launches, refill timings, and more! This is also excellent for promoting sales.


If you do not do a good job keeping them updated on things like sale dates or resupply timings, you may unintentionally frustrate your audience. Instead, schedule these advertisements to make sure you are providing our audience with all necessary information promptly. Even a notification expiration date can be planned if you like!


Final Words


WordPress push notifications can help you engage with your audience regardless of the industry you work in. Use WordPress push notifications to increase traffic to your website, and create tailored campaigns. 


When interacting with your audience, do you have a preferred method? Send us a message to let us know!


WonderPush is the best push notification service provider if you are looking to start WordPress push notifications.

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