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What Are Some Key Qualities That You Want in a CMS Site Builder?

Content management systems are one of the most effective online tools for creating websites.  Unlike some other products, this one helps to make the process of creating pages simpler. If you’re thinking of building several sites that will serve your business, it’s good to ensure that the CMS site builder selected has a few key qualities. Here are some examples.

Lots of Theme Options

This type of tool should include a wide range of themes that you can use for your pages. Those themes are often sorted into categories so that it’s easier to identify the ones that may have some sort of connection to the subject matter of your site. Even so, you will be able to use any theme that you want.

Keep in mind that when it comes to themes, more really is better. Thanks to the way each theme is designed, you can consider how each one would allow you to display the images, text, and other elements that you want to include on a page.

And the Ability to Customize Them

Having plenty of theme choices is great, but you also want the ability to customize the ones that are selected. The goal is to take that basic theme and structure everything so that the page becomes uniquely your own. At the same time, you also want the ability to leave the theme as is and simply add in your content.

Look for a builder that allows you to move the elements on a theme page around to your liking. It’s also important to have the ability to add more elements if you like. For example, a theme that includes space for a single image is almost ideal. If the editor will allow you to add a couple more images and possibly overlay one of them between the two, then it’s easy to achieve the look that you want.

An Intuitive Content Editor

It never hurts to have a CMS site builder that makes editing content simple. This is true during the initial design process and later on when the page is completed. An editor that can aid with spelling and grammar is great, especially if you can set those checks for the language that you want.

You will likely want to experiment with font sizes and types. Depending on the editor you pick, the options may be plentiful. Remember that your goal is not to have the prettiest font around, but one that makes it easier for visitors to read the text with ease. That includes those who are using a smaller device to reach your pages.

Plenty of Workable Plugins

Plugins make it much easier to add features that give the site more versatility. At the same time, they can perform practical functions such as increasing security, aiding in a checkout process, and a number of other useful attributes. You want to use a builder that can be further customized and enhanced with the use of plugins.

Keep in mind that not all editors are configured to allow plugins from every source. You want one that will provide the maximum in options while still ensuring that the pages remain secure.

Feel free to compare several builders before settling on the one you will use. If possible, use free trials to create some sample sites and see what you think of the process. When you find the one that is a good fit for your needs and is easy to use, then you can get to work in earnest.

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